MAT Road Project No. 4 Service Route 97

Service Route 97 (Carrizo Trail), 0.78 Miles, The scope of the project includes roadway improvements (full depth reclamation, full reconstruction, concrete paving), driveway reconstruction, ADA ramps improvements, permanent signing and striping, and drainage improvements.


Accepting Bids

Prebid Date 1/22/25 2:00pm MST
Bid Date 2/13/25 11:00am MST

Company & Contacts

Mescalero Apache Tribe
Alonzo Martinez  


Mescalero, NM 88340


PCN: MAT-2025-02


Owner: Mescalero Apache Tribe Roads Department                                                       

Address: 556 Soldier Canyon Road, Mescalero, NM 88340

Separate sealed BIDS for the MAT Road Project No. 4 Service Route 97 – PCN: MAT-2025-02 – Mescalero Apache Tribe, will be received by the Owner at Mescalero Apache Tribal Roads & Utilities Department, Attention: Chris Little, Public Works Director, at the located at 556 Soldier Canyon Road, Mescalero, NM 88340 until 11:00 a.m., on February 13, 2025, and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.

Non-Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference: Will be held at the Mescalero Apache Tribal Roads & Utilities Department located 556 Soldier Canyon Road, Mescalero, NM 88340 on January 22, 2025, at 2:00 p.m.. The conference will also be available for virtual attendance via Microsoft Teams, the meeting invitation will be shared with plan holders. An in-person site visit will follow the pre-bid conference, the site visit will not be available for virtual participants.

Project Description: 

Termini: Service Route 97 (Carrizo Trail), 0.78 Miles, Mescalero NM 88340

Scope of Work: The scope of the project includes roadway improvements (full depth reclamation, full reconstruction, concrete paving), driveway reconstruction, ADA ramps improvements, permanent signing and striping, and drainage improvements.

Complete project bidding documents and plans will be available at Bidding documents and plans may be downloaded, at no cost, by searching MAT Road Project No. 4 Service Route 97 on the website’s Public Jobs page. Please contact Hayden Randall at (575) 888-3233 or for assistance with registration, downloading, and working with this digital project information.

Neither the Engineer, Project Manager nor Owner shall be held responsible for any oral instruction. All questions or requests for additional information must be submitted in writing to the engineering consultant, no later than 5:00 pm on February 4, 2025. Any changes to the Plan and Specifications will be in the form of a written addendum which will be made available to all plan holders by Close of Business on February 7, 2025. Please contact Alonzo Martinez, P.E. at 575-910-8400 or with any project-related questions.